Go Fund Our Windows


We have now closed the GoFundMe campaign. THANK YOU so much for all of your support, it succeeded all of our expectations and dreams! We are in contact with a carpenter but we are still waiting for a plan and estimate of costs from him, it has taken a long time and we are hoping it will soon be on its way!

As usual we have big plans for the summer and everything we want to do and this year we plan to work on our new (very old) cabin much more. Mathias is working on the Farstu and when summer comes we will put it in place, we will fix the foundation on the cabin and cast where the chimney will be, this is the plan at least and hopefully we can do this and more. We are also thinking about the windows!

The windows that was in the cabin when we moved it are big windows from the 50s maybe, not so beautiful ones and, we imagine, not the best ones to keep the heat inside. I started to renovate those windows but halted when we thought that maybe we should have new ones. I looked around a bit and then decided once more to keep the old ones, the price for those new ones where a bit too much for us. But recently a lot of people have asked if we don’t have any “Go fund me kind of thing” for our projects, and we realised that maybe these new windows could be such a project.

So today we started a Go Fund Me campaign, aiming for those windows! Even if we don’t get the full amount every little penny will be so helpful and we will be able to buy beautifully crafted and historically correct windows for this kind of cabin from a local carpenter.

If you wish to help us with this you can follow this link here; Go fund Talasbuans windows

We contacted several companies for price options and we sent them this picture, its from our current cabin, and said that it would be nice if the bigger cabin also had something similar. But after some thought we realised that these crosspieces (mullions?) wouldn’t look so good in the bigger windows and their slight weird dimensions, so we changed to the design that you will see in the drawn picture below. We think it looks good! :D .

Its really hard to try to see into the future what the windows and the cabin will look like when its done, I do hope that the design of the new windows will be a good one for this place.

Take care,


WhatsApp Image 2021-03-17 at 11.35.25.jpeg
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