Books and resources about birth and home birth

This is a list of books and resources we found interesting about pregnancy and giving birth. We dont necessarily agree with everything they say but they contain a lot of good information. As always, read a lot and form your own opinion.

Click here to see the video The birth of Ivar

Click here to see the video Off Grid Home Birth - Part II


Home Birth On Your Own Terms: A How To Guide For Birthing Unassisted

by Heather Baker

 Really good book, short texts about a lot of subjects regarding birth and very informative. Good to read if you are having a homebirth but also if you are going into the hospital, will prepare you.


The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth

by Genevieve Howland

 A lot of good and nice information, a lot of information of the system in the US so especially good for those who lives there, but gives you a good overlook of a more natural birth, recipes and home remedies.


 Ina May's Guide to Childbirth

by Ina May Gaskin

 Inspirational and informative, liked it.


Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding

by Ina May Gaskin

 Before your child arrives almost no one talks about the breastfeeding part, you just think it will go smoothly. Luckily it did for me but many have problems. Good to read about it in beforehand.


Att föda: En barnmorskas tankar, råd och erfarenheter

by Gudrun Abascal

 Informative but not the best book in my opinion, I got the feeling when she described the procedures at the hospital that they do this and that, not that you have an option to choose what you want. Maybe I got it wrong but this pregnancy it didn’t fall into my favourites.


Föda utan rädsla

by Susanna Heli

 Good book on how to prepare yourself and give birth without fear, liked it.


The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care

by Sally Fallon MorellThomas S. Cowan

 One of the best books! Loaded with good information, advice and nutrition facts, if you believe in the Nourishing traditions of WAPF (Weston A Price Foundation). Read it long before you plan to get pregnant to get the best start for your baby.

The Continuum Concept: In Search of Happiness Lost

by Jean Liedloff interesting, read it!

Föd på dina villkor


Gravid med kropp och själ.

by Maria Bengtsson Lenn och Victoria Häggblom

Liked the first book, Föd på dina villkor, very much. Informative and nice. The second book, Gravid med Kropp och själ, I didn’t like that much, don’t know why really.

Bebis på pottan - din guide till EC och potträning

by Casselbrant, Ulrika

 How to potty your baby, good one!


by Ulrika Casselbrant

 How to read your baby and also how to communicate with your baby.


In Swedish



In English

Podcasts and talks

In Swedish

 In English - Having a Healthy Pregnancy - Sally Fallon Morell

