"What the herd hates the most is the one who thinks differently; it is not so much the opinion itself, but the audacity of wanting to think for themselves, something they do not know how to do."
~ Arthur Schopenhauer
Everything we thought we knew about health and dis-ease is upside down.
There are no germs attacking you, there are no evidence viruses even exist, what we call illness is healing.
This paradigm shift changed my life in a profound way.
To most, this position seems far out there, it certainly did for me, however I persisted in trying to truly understand this, and after a lot of reading and listening, I am now of the position that the statements above is closer to the truth than the current dominating view on health and dis-ease, and this understanding changes everything.
My wish is that everyone had this understanding.
It has been hard to choose what conversations, texts and videos I should present first, and in what order, with the assumption that this is completely new information. There is hours and hours of material, many books, presentations and documentaries and I don’t know if I have made the best choices as introductory material or not, but I have done my best.
I therefore ask of you to not discard this information half way into the first video, take your time and watch, listen and read from the different men and women presenting this information. First this might sound unbelievable or incomprehensible. Words and phrases might be unfamiliar to you and many “what about this or that” questions will arise, but I promise you, if you take the time and listen to the material I have linked to here, you will begin to see the world differently.
I have put years of thinking and researching into this, this is not a position I have come to on a whim. Some discard this viewpoint as “misinformation” and say something like, “oh so you’ve read a book and think you know everything”. I bring this up just to make clear, this is not just an idea I heard mentioned in some conversation somewhere. It is serious, and it is important. There is lots to unlearn and lots to learn.
To be clear – Pointing to the lack of evidence for viruses and contagion does not mean denying your experience.
No one is denying that you were sick.
No one is denying that you became sick around the same time and place as someone else.
No one is denying the effects.
What is being questioned is the alleged cause of the very real effects.
That's essential.
There is a lot I could write here to try to prepare you for this journey, but I think it is best you start listening/watching/reading instead. I have tried to gather the best interviews and presentations with a variety of men and women that I have come across.
Be aware, it is a logical fallacy (ad hominem) to focus on who the information comes from, instead of dealing with the actual information being presented. This is something I see many struggle to understand.
Lastly, I am open to being wrong on everything, it is evident as I was once believing in contagion, and have now changed my mind. I am willing to have a conversation with you about this AFTER you have spent time to listen to each thing I have posted here.
I don’t necessarily agree with everything every man and woman in these talks, texts and videos say at every point in their lives. It should not even be necessary for me to say this, but now you know. It is only the subject I am interested in.
Ok, let’s begin!
This is an introductory presentation by Alec Zeck that I think is good to start with, in this presentation you will get the foundation on what the issue is regarding the dominating view on health and dis-ease, also, the most common logical fallacies used regarding this topic is dealt with. As I said earlier, please keep listening, even though it seems far-fetched or the language is complicated, it will make sense, I suggest you watch this presentation, although it can be listened to as well:
Link to the same video on Odysee
This is a presentation presented by Dr. Tom Cowan where he goes over the core principles:
The Melt interview with Mark Gober, Mark is the author of the book An end to upside down medicine (more on that later) he has a brilliant mind and are able to explain complex things so that anyone can understand:
Link to the podcast on pocketcast
Link to the same podcast on youtube
What is really making us sick with Tom Cowan, Tom has a nack for explaining things with hilarious metaphores:
Link to same podcast on Spotify
The way forward interview with Daniel Roytas, he is the author of the book “Can you catch a cold” (more on that later) an excellent reasercher:
Link to the podcast on pocketcast
Link to the same podcast on odysee
Club grubbery interview with doctors Sam and Mark Bailey, Sam and Mark has relentlessly examine foundational papers and points out where science ends and assumptions begin:
Link to the conversation on Club Grubberys website
Tom Cowan about HPV Virus, this webinar is better if you watch, Tom goes over a specific case and analyzes the papers claiming a specific virus exists and is the cause of dis-ease.
Link to the presentation on Odysee
Ok, lets recap with two videos from Sam and Mark Bailey:
The truth about Viruses (Odysee link)
Why Pathogens Don't Exist (Odysee link)
Sam Bailey has written a number of interesting articles directed at those who know nothing about the topic, here they are gathered in one pdf:
Here is a written explanation by Tom Cowan on what is wrong with the claims of virology:
Ok, beginners course is over, if you have read and listened to everything above and still don’t see any problems with the current germ hypotesis of dis-ease, I am questioning your ability to think. For those who still have their thinking skills intact and want to know more, down below are suggested reading, viewing and listening.
There is a bunch of books about this topic worth reading, the first two are great introductions to the topic so I highly recommend starting with them:
Can you catch a cold by Daniel Roytas: Goodreads
An end to Upside Down Medicine by Mark Gober: Goodreads
The final Pandemic by Sam and Mark Bailey: Goodreads
Virus Mania by Torsten Engelbrech, Dr. Claus Köhnlein, Dr. Samantha Bailey and Dr. Stefano Scoglio: Goodreads
What Really Makes You ill by Dawn Lester and David Parker: Goodreads
Something that has not been brought up is the genomics side of this pseudoscience called virology. It is very easy, one cannot claim one has a genome of something one has not shown to exist.
Here is an introductory conversation:
Link to pocketcast
Link to same conversation on youtube
A farewell to virology – expert edition
A formal refutation on virology, still uncontested, a highly technical paper for those who want more than just conversations:
Steve falconer has made a three part docu series based on the paper A farewell to virology.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
If you have specific questions about specific so called dis-eases and why the mainstream view of them are probably wrong, I suggest you use the search function of this website: https://viroliegy.com